"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world." James 1:27

God's Faces

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Our visit to the Nest

After a dusty, bumpy drive up country we arrived at the Nest. This orphan home provides care for 80 highrisk children in a remote area. We had heard so much about this place by many in our school community. A new friend here took us for our first visit. This is what we found when we entered the compound. There was so much joy in the children's faces. The children were gathered with their caregivers for their outside play time. They greeted us with welcome songs. Loved it!!!

Melody and Claire with young ones. Because of the ratio of caregivers to children and the abuse these children have experienced these children need so much touch and affection.Many children are offered to families in our area for foster care before adoption. We hope to invite others to come and offer loving arms to these precious ones.

John is trying out the bunk bed ladder. All the girls who live here sleep in these two large bunk beds. Toddlers sleep in the cribs along the wall. Can you imagine around 40 girls sleeping in this room. WOW
Lewis and a little one. They want to be held up high the entire time...


Karen said...

Praying for you to be an irresistible influence for the King. Love you all, dear ones!

Shannon Pate said...

Mel, You look so in your element!! Thanks to all of you for being the arms of Jesus to those little ones!! I love ya'll!! Shannon