"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world." James 1:27

God's Faces

Monday, October 15, 2007

God's Invisible Hand

It is so hard to put into words all that we see and experience here in Africa. It is so different than any other place. There is breathtaking beauty in the plant life and scenery. The sky is so blue and expansive, the colors so vivid, birds and wildlife surround us. The terrain is so rugged. We are reminded of that daily as we travel on unbelievable bumpy roads. When Lewis drives, we are silently looking out our windows. We see old women hunched over carrying heavy loads of sticks and firewood. We see people so poor . We see children of all ages in dirty clothes working and playing. We see large groups of uniformed children walking long distances home from school in the afternoons. You are very priviledged to get to go to school here. As we engage with the world around us, God's invisible hand is working in our hearts. I (Melody) reach out to these people and feel such receptivity and warmth from them. He has written a new love in my heart for these people that I couldn't have mustered up on my own that motivates me. Lewis is also experiencing the same intense care and concern for the people here. Last night, John shared some insightful words as we finished our day. He said that he wanted to be in ministry when he grew up. He wanted to help people who are in need. He believes God will take care of him as he serves Him. He sees now how much he has and how little others have and how hard life can be. He wants to use his life to helpl. That is God's invisible hand writing on my 10 year old boy's heart. I am so grateful.

1 comment:

Shannon Pate said...

WOW!! John's words alone are worth the move!!!!!May God continue to bless all of you in a distant land!! You are loved!!!!! Shannon