"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world." James 1:27

God's Faces

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Randi Bryant shares how God blesses large and small works


Here is how the garage sale showed us an example of the loaves and fishes.

When we all got together on Friday to set up for the garage sale, we were all a little concerned about the small amount of items that we had for the sale. All of us prayed that the garage sale would be a success to bring glory to God and bless your family throught the sale. God showed up to the sale and blessed it fully. The sale opened at 6:30 and closed at 12:00. During that time several people came and shopped. They bought the larger items first and then it slowly trickled to the smaller items. We all thought that the sale would bring around $250, but He doubled that and showed us that if it is in His will, the sky is the limit.

When we were finished, we had a Jeep Cherokee full of stuff to donate to another garage sale for a similar purpose.Additionally, I got to share all of this with a friend who is struggling in her walk with Jesus. God is so good and so wonderful. Lewis and Melody, we respect and love the fact that you are so willing to go with God. You are an inspiration for us. You are such wonderful people, filled with the love of Jesus. We cannot wait to see the wonderful things that you will do for His purpose.God bless you and keep you,Randi

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