"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world." James 1:27

God's Faces

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Star Students

These are photos of my star students. We call them Primary 3 which is equivalent to third grade in the states. These students are so eager to learn. They love to be read to and ask to stay in at recess to keep going!! How can I refuse? We are aiming for the goal of reading 100 books on their own before this semester is over. We are over half way there!

I love my work here.

This is one of my star students. He is working on a spelling sort.

This is one of the surprises I had not expected. These Primary 3 students love books that I read to my children when they were young. I get to read some of my favorites. Do you recognize The Little Engine that Could? They loved it.

" And the little blue engine said,,, I think I can ...I think I can.... I think I can....." I always loved this story. Such a happy and helpful engine.I want to be one too!

We completed this book together in class. I loved doing the animal sounds. My favorites were the geese and Charlotte. They loved it. After finishing the book I borrowed the "Charlotte's Web" movie from Rosslyn Academy. They enjoyed it immensely. Templeton stole the show. They had never seen so many of the images portrayed in Charlotte's Web. They learned many new things like a barnyard with a haystack, slop, ferris wheel, county fair and the blue ribbbon first prize. They tasted bacon for the first time. We learned about spiders and how they survive. It is so fun to expand their world.

This was a first in our school. We made a Charlotte's Web banner with a spider web and spider made out of pipe cleaners. Posted are the students writings with facts about spiders for others to read.

Students in their art class. This teacher is very talented and a real gift to our students.


Shannon Pate said...

They are so fortunate to have you there!!!! I loved seeing the pics of your students and your classroom and you especially!!! You look in your element. I am so proud of you!! I love you! Shannon

Luke said...

I love it! I love it! Seeing the look on your face, I can imagine hearing your voice saying, I think I can, I think I can...and then, you get into it at the end with your eyebrows up and assurance in your voice as you say...I thought I could ... I thought I could.
You are an awesome teacher, my freind. I know the kids are loving it!

Karen said...

Whoops...that comment above is from me, not Luke. He was still logged in on my computer.
LQTM! (Laughing Quietly to Myself)