"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world." James 1:27

God's Faces

Friday, April 20, 2007

A special message from Claire

I'm excited about moving to Africa because I know God has HUGE plans for me and my family, and I know that we're doing the RIGHT thing by moving there because if we didn't take this step in faith, than we'd miss out on all that God has in store for us! I'm very thankful to be one of the few that God picks to do amazing things like this. It's been a blessing to travel to Guatemala twice a year and have a blast, but we know that God's calling us to do even BIGGER things!!!!! I know I'll miss it here, like all my friends, and good food, and the mall........BUT I KNOW that my God wants what's best for ME and I know that GOD has it all in control!

~Claire Taylor

Thursday, April 19, 2007

God is so good!

We are blessed beyond words by your response to our recent announcement and invitation to join us. The Arkansas Rafiki team is growing strong with over 30 friends/Rafiki's on board. You all are giving time, talents or financial support to help extend loving hands to reach orphans in Nairobi Kenya.

Praise God for these answered prayers;

  • Monthly support has increased from 50% to 65% of goal. We believe God will raise 100% before our July departure date.
  • Prayer leader is getting organized for battle - thanks to Linda O'Donnell
  • Blog spot is in final stages and will launch soon - thanks to Nick Adams
  • Haircuts will continue even after we are gone (funding airfare for future visits home) - thanks to Pat Walsh and Lisa Gentry.
  • Rafiki Exchange (African students handmade items) coordinator - thanks to Pat Saenz
  • Lowell was awarded Distinguished Governors Scholarship along with Honors College Fellowship, combined funding 110% (even study abroad programs) U.A. college education.

Pray for these opportunities;

  • Renter for our house
  • Support raised to 100% by end of June
  • Upcoming "estate sale"; watch for early bird specials posted on the blog
  • Rafiki Kenya staff; Yeen-Lan, Tom and Betsy, Doug and Carolyn, Julie, Tim and Ann
  • Daily guidance in prioritizing much work to complete this major transition
  • Joy in the journey:-)

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Support Logistics

Today donations can be made one of two ways;

1. Go Near Ministry (tax deductable 501c3) - checks mailed to 4309 Wesley Dr. LR,AR 72223

2. Rafiki Foundation - Here is the address to our page on Rafiki site http://www.rafiki-foundation.org/ros/taylor/taylor.html Follow it to make on-line donations via Pay Pal

3) OR mail checks in Rafiki pledge card/envelopes provided by me.

If possible would really like to visit with you personally if you want to be part of our team. Please email me and we will try and to set up a call or a meeting.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Prayer requests Answered

We have a person to be our prayer coordinator and someone else to manage our Blog.

Watch this space for more information soon.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

The Big Announcement

Millions of orphans are suffering daily in Africa... and together we can do something about it!

God cares about orphans and calls us to extend His life giving love to them.

"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world." James 1:27

Our family plans to move to Kenya this July and we invite YOU to join us !! We believe God has used the past few years to prepare us to join Rafiki Foundation. Rafiki Foundation, launched thru Bible Study Fellowship in l985, is committed to rescue orphans in Africa. They have successfully built Rafiki Training Villages for orphans in 10 African countries that provide a HOME with a mother, nutritious meals, a warm bed, Classical Christian EDUCATION, VOCATIONAL skills, and MEDICAL care. Lewis will serve as Director of Vocational Training, help coordinate Rafiki pastors conferences, and provide male leadership and mentoring in the Rafiki Training Village. Melody will teach at the Rafiki school and provide educational leadership. Anna, Claire and John join us as we offer our family to children who have none. Lowell will attend his first year at the U. of A. this fall.

We need your help!! Reply today to join our Arkansas Rafiki team.

1. GIVE monthly or one time financial commitments. We only need 40% of monthly budget to move by July. Simply e-mail lewistaylor@comcast.net if you are interested in joining our support team.
2. PRAY for specifics posted on our blog
3. VOLUNTEERS to help with these needs:
a. Prayer coordinator- Rafiki will send a packet and help coordinate
b. Coordinate a special fundraising event to help us raise the funds to go by July
c. Frequent Flyer Miles donations- FFM are much needed to reduce airfare costs for our family of six
d. Blogspot design & monitoring

4. VISIT us in Africa. Begin planning now for your a two week stay in the Rafiki guest cottage.
5. SPREAD THE WORD!! Please forward this link to others you know who might be interested.

There is another reason we invite you to join us. We have discovered a treasure and are compelled to share it. The treasure is a deeply satisfying joy given to those who help the helpless. John Piper suggests ( Fifty Reasons Why Jesus Came to Die) that "Christ died to make us passionate to help the poor and perishing. It is the best life, no matter what the cost in this world: They get help, we get joy, God gets glory."

Be assured that you've got a friend... in Africa (Rafiki means "friend" in Swahili-)
Lewis and Melody Taylor
